Best results for rainwater harvesting with bore well recharge

Save Water – recharge your bore well – have plenty of water to irrigate your farm. Used for restoring ground water for dried up and poorly producing bore wells. For farmers – industry, schools, apartment complexes.

You Can:

  • Have abundant water for crops and other uses.
  • Store water in the perfect place – under the ground.
  • Raise the level of underground water
  • Help the environment.
  • Prevent the need for drilling ever more bore wells.
  • Restore flow even to dried up bore wells.
  • Improve water quality through dilution of harmful minerals and toxins.
  • Economical, permanent and guaranteed solution to your water problems.
Excellent result for this farmer with the support of Fincare Small Finance Bank.

Our work with the SBI Foundation in the Mundargi Taluk – desilting and rejuvenating the village ponds has been published in the New Indian Express .

New Indian Express article about our pond rejuvenation in Gadag

For our latest Projects – bore well recharge, area development, farm ponds, bunds, village lake rejuvenation
click here.

SRDS in collaboration with our supporters – SBI Foundation, Sustain Plus, Save Indian Farmers, ICICI Bank and others. Working for the rural communities of India – supporting farmers, Self Help Groups – women entrepreneurs and youth skill training.

On 26th June, 2022, Sikandar was honoured with the Nadaprabhu Kempegouda Award in Bengaluru – the program was organised by the Karnataka Cultural Trust and Sristhi Shakti. This is a very esteemed award and we are most grateful that our CEO Sikandar Meeranaik has received this accolade. He has said that he gives all credit to his team – Umesh Mugali, Akbar Meeranayak, the whole SHG team and the now the SBI Team as well. Congratulations to all and especially to Sikandar.

World Environment Day 2024 – Sikandar’s work is published in the New Indian Express..
Celebrating the work of planting trees – with the valuable support of SBI Foundation.

The Times of India article about our work with SBI Foundation Gram Seva Project in the Gadag District.

Sikandar Meeranaik receiving the 2019 IWA Development Award for Practice in Colombo Sri Lanka – December 2019.

Sikandar Meeranaik: Borewell Recharge and Rainwater Harvesting from International Water Association on Vimeo.

Farmers with good supply of water

We help farmers have an abundant supply of water to irrigate their crops.
And empower women through micro-finance resources to give independence in their lives.
Click here to see our latest bore well recharge success story.
Please click here to see how we do this including our innovative and cost-effective TWIN RING METHOD.

Latest video from International Eco-sustainbility Tour Participant. Impressions of bore well recharge work.

In the Dharwad and Gadag area we work with 700 Self Help Groups – which include 5,600 women – to access microfinance loans to provide resources to achieve independence in their lives. These Self Help Groups provide a good network to spread information about our water work.

Watch the video below to see Sikandar Meeranaik talking about how SRDS does borewell recharge and rainwater harvesting.

SRDS has to date implemented over 2000 bore well recharge systems in ten states.

Energy Globe World Award for Water

Energy Globe Award for Water

STOP PRESS NEWS!! We won the Energy Globe Award Category WATER – in Yazd, Iran!! Sikandar’s work has been recognised internationally – we are ready to scale up globally with the rainwater harvesting through bore well recharge. Congratulations Sikandar Meeranaik for your wonderful work.

Read about the Award and the nomination of Sikandar at this article in TOI. Click here to read.   

For more pictures click here.

View our video here on how this work is done: 

Sikandar talking to farmers about rainwater harvesting.

and for a recent Success Story watch this:

Imagine a world where everyone has access to plenty of water, crops grow freely – green and healthy and everyone has clean abundant water to drink.

That’s what Sikandar Meeranaik did as he looked around his dried up village and asked himself that driving question.

“What can I do to make change? How can I create a better life for my children and all the children around me?”

And his answer came with the understanding that if the villagers and farmers had access to an abundant supply of water their lives would be enhanced in many ways. If they had plenty of clean water they could irrigate their crops, water their livestock and would lead better and healthier lives. As they grew more crops with greater variety, their income would also grow. They would be empowered to educate their children, have better health care, to lead more sustainable lives and would have no need to leave their families and village to seek work in the cities. (read more about his journey here)

This is his story – but it is not only his story – through his vision already more than 
four hundred farming families now have a new story.
A story of hope, of an abundance of food, and the possibilities of a better life 
opening before them – given by a bountiful water supply.

To date, we have implemented more than 2000+ borewell recharge projects – 60 rooftop water harvesting projects,  200 water storage tanks, with more than 30 urban projects and many rural projects.

Borewell recharge through Rain Water Harvesting – more water for you.

We are working – in ten + states – 2000+ bore wells recharged. Do explore on the map below

For all your urban needs, industrial, schools, apartment complexes – rooftop rainwater harvesting please visit Sankalpa Water Harvesting Solutions